Tuesday, April 15, 2008


ON ROUTE 65--choices


Every choice has certain benefits. And every choice has its costs.

If you are willing to bear the costs of a particular choice in order to enjoy the benefits, then go ahead with it.

 If the costs are too high for you when compared to the benefits, then move on and find another, more appropriate choice.

When you adopt an attitude that life, or the world, or your community owes you something, you set yourself up for extreme disappointment. Realize instead that you are already living in a universe filled with abundance, and that creating meaningful value out of that abundance is up to you.

No matter who you are, where you are from, or what you have, a life of fulfillment requires personal effort, commitment and integrity from you.

It is through making continued positive choices that you line up life's abundance in ways that uniquely express your visions and values.

Every moment is a choice, and every choice is an opportunity to build real and meaningful value in your life. Your choices enable you to direct efforts so that those efforts add up to something great and desirable.

Through the choices you make, you have the power to access the very best of life. Choose often, choose wisely, choose with the highest intentions, and your choices will take you precisely where you wish to go.

Ralph Marston

I was looking for a pick me upper the other evening and the message above is what I found. Every choice has benefits and costs for sure.

My camping adventure cost me some big bucks for sure. I made the choice as I wanted to do something meaningful and something that would bring me joy.

 If I’d put the money into my house or left it safe in the bank…it would be wasted. Who knows if I’d live long enough to enjoy it. My house has what is needed and to make it better would be nice, but there is no one there to enjoy it but me and the critters and we are pretty satisfied with the way it is.

If the cost gets to high for me to continue this lifestyle…camping that is…then I’ll have to move on but for the present all is paid and accounted for so I’m going to enjoy what I can.

 Being away every weekend is putting some pressure on me to get things done around home and with the nice weather coming that means there will also be yard work to do and the extra hours on the weekend is when I used to get things done around here.

I realized that I’m already living in a universe filled with abundance, and that creating meaningful value out of that abundance is up to me.

What I’m doing does sound a little self centered for sure and I know that there are starving people in this world and that makes me think sometimes I do not deserve such pleasures. This is the part I need to ponder.

 The sub title I’m giving to this year is ON ROUTE 65. I’m moving right along on my journey to age 65 . I found the title in an ad for insurance. It caught my eye and so I’ll use it for ROUTE 65, 66, 67….or how many ever years there are to follow in this journal.

Your choices will take you precisely where you wish to go.

There was never a truer word spoken for sure. We do make our lives what they are. I complain that I don’t like the job I do, but I choose it. I never planned to work at all so there you have it…

I hope to add more soon as I’ve sadly neglected this journal and I really want to put down what happens to me in the next 20 years. It will be a different season of my life and I’m not sure yet what it will bring.

 Words truly written from my heart,

Pam (mostly known as ‘Ma’)